Tuspark Bitcoin Lecture Series

We are happy to announce the Tuspark Bitcoin Lecture Series, which takes place over June and July of 2015. Tuspark, the Tsinghua University Science Park has successfully established business parks all over China, putting extra effort into spanning the gap between known multinational tech giants and innovative startups.

The Tuspark Bitcoin Lecture Series is co-organized by the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong and will provide knowledge and education for those new to Bitcoin as well as those with a specialized interest in it.

To rsvp please use the provided links or send us an email to info@bitcoin.org.hk.

#1, June 10: Bitcoin 101 (lecture)

This non-technical lecture will give you a quick explanation of Bitcoin wallets, transactions and mining. It will explain the history and milestones of this young technology and give an overview on Bitcoin’s regulatory environment.

Date: June 10, 2015 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Tuspark HK Innovation Hub, 118 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
(Near Ngau Tau Kok MTR exit B6, 30 mins by subway from Central)
Speaker: Leonhard Weese (+liongrass)
Member Fee: Free for members of Tuspark and the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong and full-time students
Non-member Fee: 50 HKD (payable in cash upon arrival)
RSVP via universe: RSVP Here

Get 50% off by prepaying with Bitcoin until June 9. Click here:


#2, June 16: Plug and Pay (interactive workshop)

We explain to you in 15 minutes how to create your own Bitcoin wallet so you can make and receive your first Bitcoins. The registration fee will be fully refunded to your bitcoin wallet so that you can start spending them immediately for drinks.

Date: June 16, 2015 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Tuspark HK Innovation Hub, 118 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
(Near Ngau Tau Kok MTR exit B6, 30 mins by subway from Central)
Presenter: Larry Salibra (+larry) & Leonhard Weese (+liongrass)
Fee: 50 HKD (payable in cash upon arrival)
RSVP via universe: RSVP Here


#3, June 23: Bitcoin Regulation (panel)

While Bitcoin remains ‘unregulated’ in Hong Kong, few understand what this term actually means. In other places the situation is far more confusing, creating frustration among those who feel barred from creating and investing in Bitcoin ideas. How does Bitcoin fit into the existing financial regulatory framework of Hong Kong, and how might this change in the future?


Date: June 23, 2015 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Tuspark HK Innovation Hub, 118 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
(Near Ngau Tau Kok MTR exit B6, 30 mins by subway from Central)

  • Pindar Wong


  • Don Weinland (Banking Correspondent, SCMP)
  • Janos Barberis (Regulatory Consultant, Fintech HK)
  • George Harrap (CEO, Bitspark)

Member Fee: Free for members of Tuspark and the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong and full-time students
Non-member Fee: 50 HKD (payable in cash upon arrival)
RSVP via universe: RSVP here
Get 50% off by prepaying with Bitcoin until June 22. Click here:


#4, June 29: Smart Contracts (lecture)

Today’s contracts are difficult enough to read for most humans, who barely skip through them even on the matter of life and death. How can contracts become smarter, machine readable and self-enforcable? Two talks explore what is possible today, and give an outlook more science than fiction.

First lecture, Dr. Joseph Wang & Max Jackowski: Presenting a machine readable, legally enforcable contract that facilitates loans for small businesses cheaper and more flexible than any bank could. This contract is already used in a number of loans in Hong Kong today and ready to scale up for the emerging p2p (or rather, p2b) lending platforms.

  • Max is a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the relationship between the law and disruptive technologies. He has developed great interest in the subject of smart contracts as it provides for a novel and innovative way of understanding, analysing and enforcing the law

  • Dr. Joseph Wang is investment banker and chief scientist for Bitquant Research Laboratories (Asia) Limited, an applied research financial technology laboratory. He is using smart contracts to issue loans to high-tech SME’s in Hong Kong and is developing digital currency for trade with Africa. He claims to be the first person to use a smart contract for a real world business transaction.

Second lecture, Pindar Wong: While today’s smart contracts still rely on our existing legal system for enforcement, future smart contracts will become self-executing, unforgeable and impossible to cheat on.

  • Pindar Wong is the Chairman of VeriFi (Hong Kong) Ltd, a discrete Internet Financial Infrastructure consultancy. He is establishing the ‘Smart Contracts Initiative’ (SCI) based on networked accounting and open digital ledger technologies. He is an active member of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Payment Community Group. As a Commissioner on the Global Commission on Internet Governance, he is helping to articulate and advance a strategic vision for the future of Internet governance. He also serves on the Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Government, the School of Engineering Advisory Committee HKUST and the Technical Advisory Board of the Packet Clearing House. Previously, he co-founded Hong Kong’s first licensed ISP in 1993, was the first Vice-Chairman of ICANN, Chairman of the Asia Pacific Internet Association, alternate Chairman of Asia Pacific Network Information Centre and elected Trustee of the Internet Society.

Date: June 29, 2015 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Tuspark HK Innovation Hub, 118 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
(Near Ngau Tau Kok MTR exit B6, 30 mins by subway from Central)
Speakers: Joseph Wang, Max Jackowski and Pindar Wong (+pindar)
Member Fee: Free for members of Tuspark and the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong and full-time students
Non-member Fee: 50 HKD (payable in cash upon arrival)
RSVP via universe: RSVP here
Get 50% off by prepaying with Bitcoin until June 29. Click here:


#5, July 7: Bitcoin Startups (panel)

While Hong Kong is establishing itself as a hotbed for startups in Asia, Bitcoin startups come here to find a mixed climate of welcoming regulation, apathetic government and a repellent financial system. In this panel we explore the challenges that particularly Bitcoin startups face, the problems they intend to solve and their view on Hong Kong as a developing Fintech center.

Date: July 7, 2015 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Tuspark HK Innovation Hub, 118 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
(Near Ngau Tau Kok MTR exit B6, 30 mins by subway from Central)
Moderator: Jehan Chu

Member Fee: Free for members of Tuspark and the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong and full-time students
Non-member Fee: 50 HKD (payable in cash upon arrival)
RSVP via universe: RSVP here
Get 50% off by prepaying with Bitcoin until July 6. Click here:


#6, October 14: Blockchain vs Bitcoin (panel)

“It’s not about Bitcoin, it’s about the underlying technology.” While Bitcoin without doubt has had extraordinary success among all of the currently available blockchains, it suffers from a poor image, banks and regulators staying clear of it and internal conflicts about further innovation and direction. To what extend can other blockchains surpass Bitcoin? What are ‘private blockchains’, and what can we expect when banks are declaring they are ‘exploring blockchain technology?’ Our panelists have a diverse background in finance and provide you with great insights and views into an emerging new economy.

Date: October 14, 2015 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Tuspark Workhub, 4/F Yes & Right House, 1 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
(Near Exit N5, Tsim Sha Tsui Station)
Moderator: Leonhard Weese

Member Fee: Free for members of Tuspark and the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong and full-time students
Non-member Fee: 100 HKD (payable by credit card or paypal)
RSVP via eventbrite
Get 25% off by registering with Bitcoin. Click here:

automatic people mover

#7, November 18: Decentralize All The Things - A Technical Discussion

The Bitcoin Blockchain might be an amazing piece of technological innovation, but it isn’t perfect. In three presentations we will explain its constraints and how they can or should be lifted, or the technology that exists to extend on Bitcoin’s (or another blockchain’s) capability.

  • The Blocksize Debate, how we can scale
  • Blockstack, how we can store and distribute other types of data
  • Decentralizing Big Data analytics

Date: November 18, 2015 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Tuspark Workhub, 23/F Island Beverly, 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
(Around the corner from Exit E, Causway Bay Station)


Member Fee: Free for members of Tuspark and the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong and full-time students
Non-member Fee: 50 HKD (payable by credit card or paypal)
RSVP via eventbrite
Get 25% off by prepaying with Bitcoin. Click here:

Tuspark Global Hub